Dachau: From Darkness to Light
5 years ago
"... We often forget that God is painting on a large canvas. He sees the big picture. We only see what's happening to us at the moment. That's why God allows events to come into our lives—good things and bad things; things that make sense and things that don't.
What you and I may think is harmful and destructive God can use for our good ... He will allow nothing to happen to us that isn't first filtered through His screen of protection."
-Micca Monda Cambell, 6-11-10 for Proverbs 31 Ministries
My faith as a Christ-follower provides perspective and purpose to all I do and am. It's a personal reality and a daily adventure.
By sharing some of my thoughts about my faith, I hope to encourage and maybe occasionally challenge those living both in and out of a daily relationship with Jesus Christ. Welcome!