Some time ago, I was at a fun ladies evening that involved, among other things, chocolate and a panel of four very funny women. I don't even remember what the panel's topic was that evening but at some point, one of the panel members began extolling the virtues of ... her toothbrush. In this particular setting, is was just part of the fun even though she had no particular point to make about the toothbrush except that she REALLY liked it. Quirky, but cute.
I thought of her toothbrush a few times over the next few days. Not because I was thinking of trying the toothbrush but mostly because it struck me as a funny thing to get so excited over. I've been brushing my teeth for many, many years and never had a toothbrush that I felt the need to mention to anyone. It got the job done and that was enough.
Until my dentist gave me one of "her" toothbrushes at my next semi-annual check up. Again, without much though I went home and switched the new toothbrush for my old one. But the next morning, I got a surprise. Everything she had said about this toothbrush was true! It really was a unique sensation to use it and it did a spectacular job. It has become my favorite toothbrush, too!
Oddly enough, her toothbrush also came to mind as I sat in a conference about the Holy Spirit. There was no hype, no over emotionalism, but as the speaker began to share the experience of the Holy Spirit and the Biblical truths of the Spirit, I kept thinking about that toothbrush.
Because many, many Christians feel the same way about the Holy Spirit as I did about that lady's toothbrush. I thought I had shared the same experience, I thought I understood what she was talking about and I didn't see the reason for the excitement. So I went on with life until the day I really experienced her brand of toothbrush. Not just the usual, run-of-the-mill toothbrush, but one with a truly unique design and application.
So often, we think our experience of the Holy Spirit is the same as everyone else's. We think we understand His work in our life. And when someone has a different experience, we don't get it. It seems unwarranted, or, even worse, un-Biblical. We think they're just experiencing "the tingles." And we walk away, content to live in our run-of-the-mill understanding of the Holy Spirit's work and presence in our lives.
Now, I know the toothbrush comparison is a fanciful one. I'm sure most people will get through life just fine without knowing about this particular brand of toothbrush and will still have teeth left to smile with. And I'm sure, too, that most people in life will get through not missing a personal, real time experience of the Holy Spirit. Or content to let the God-in-us relationship will remain a nodding acquaintance instead of a dynamic partnership.
But maybe we need to be open to the idea that there's something more that's actually worth getting excited about. Maybe, just maybe, the unique role of the Holy Spirit is something we've been missing. I'd encourage you to start digging around and see what God's Word has to say about this part of his character.
I suspect it will become something truly unique and worth getting excited about.
Dachau: From Darkness to Light
5 years ago